Review: Smallpools – Ghost Town Road (East)

There’s a magic feeling when a band you’ve been following for some time puts all the pieces together and delivers an incredible work of art. Smallpools have done just that on Ghost Town Road (East), an electric-charged EP that encapsulates everything that made me fall in love with this band’s style in the first place. This three-piece pop rock band makes all the right moves on this record that has a very 80’s new wave feel to it, while still maintaining a modern flair to it to ensure it connects with new audiences.

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Joseph Luca – “One Last Dance” (Video Premiere)

Joseph Luca

Today is a great day to share the new music video from Joseph Luca, featuring The Pocket Queen, called “One Last Dance.” On this heartfelt song about the pitfalls of putting too much into a one-sided relationship, Luca’s breathtaking vocals lend themselves well to the theme here. Luca shared, “‘One Last Dance’ acts as one last romantic gesture to breathe life back into a relationship teetering on the edge of ruin. At its core, the song dives into the profound inquiry of whether the perceived toxicity within the relationship is an authentic manifestation or merely a construct derived from a shared and distorted viewpoint.” If you’re enjoying the latest single, please consider streaming his latest EP here. I was also able to catch up with this talented artist for a brief interview below.

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The Starting Line Talk With Variety

The Starting Line

The Starting Line talked with Variety about the Taylor Swift shoutout:

“You know, it’s been sort of a point of conversation of, how much do you lean into something like this?” Vasoli admits, a little cagey even with himself about how much to be seen as taking advantage of it. “Because something like this is not something you really plan for in your music career,. The reverberations have been very big and we’re just sort of trying to accept it with gratitude at this point, sitting back and just seeing what happens from it.”

Although the singer says those two concert dates “are it for now, there’s gonna be more that’s coming down the pike and more that’s getting booked. The vast majority of the band has day jobs that keep them obligated to stay home a little bit, more than some of the other bands. So we don’t hit the road for too long on a regular basis, but we’re trying to get into a rhythm where we can do more of it.”

“There’s been an uptick in us playing together, and a really great interpersonal dynamic between the band members recently that has been very creative and inspirational, playing together recently. So we’ve been into a creative process writing new music since last year. We’re just collecting everything and figuring out the best way to get that out there. But we’re generating music and have been for a bit of time. With us trying to get back into a more usual pace with the band, after all this time, it’s nice that we’re getting a little bit of light on us at this moment, especially given that we’re engaging more than ever since like 2007, when we kind of let our foot off the gas.”

Update from Adam of Fenix TX

Fenix TX

Adam from Fenix TX has posted an update on GoFundMe:

Everyone always asks what can they do to help or what do I need and I always say the same thing: “I’m fine just keep praying for me and my family.” Well, now I need all the help I can get as I begin a new fight. I’m unable to work and provide for my family at this time and seeing my family having to take on the extra stress breaks my heart. I must travel to the east coast for a brand new treatment and I pray that this will be the one that finally helps me, because if not, I’m pretty much out of options. 

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